On 06/10/2014 14:54, Cal Sawyer wrote:
If the only solutions being offered after nearly 2 weeks are a) use ksh because bash is 
somehow inferior (shades of "csh-is-deterimental") or 2. rebuild bash youself 
from source, i'd have to say that imho it's the polar opposite and this appears to be 
confirmed in Andreas's post.

The simple fact is: The /dev maintainer(s?) seem to have silently
resigned without handing over the keys....
So no one is left who actually can apply and distribute the
patch (which shouldn't be that difficult, as it's only one package);
the /hipster community up to now has served only itself for the
purpose of porting the complete OI userland to gcc, and now, as
the pressure is rising, is trying to reorganise to take over /dev
to actually make stable and useable production releases.
This will take time, but I'm completely with you that a patch
for /dev/ should be made available as fast as possible, so the very
first task is to actually get access to the /dev/ infrastructure
to get at least something started.
Dr.Udo Grabowski   Inst.f.Meteorology & Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology           http://www.kit.edu
Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026

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