Friends and Colleagues,

I'm trying to get a Java8 SDK for my 32-bit Intel-based computer on
which I am running Solaris 11 (more precisely, Schillix).  The
download web page at

does not have a release for 32-bit Solaris.  It has releases for
32-bit Linux and for 32-bit Windows, but, Oracle apparently believes
that when Oracle stopped releasing Solaris for 32-bit computers, all
of the existing 32-bit Solaris platforms magically vanished.  So how
do I get a Java8 SDK?  Do I have to get the OpenJDK source and compile
it?  Please don't tell me that I have to do that (or maybe it's worse
than that -- does OpenJDK even exist for Java8?).

        Jay F. Shachter
        6424 North Whipple Street
        Chicago IL  60645-4111
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                (1-410)9964737   GoogleVoice

        "But when she traced the killer's IP address ... it was in the 
192.168/16 block!"

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