HELLO:  If *everyone* would simply *stop posting* to these threads, perhaps 
they might die…

It was a mistake to have said anything at all about OpenSXCE on this list.  I 
had the best of intentions, but as the old saying goes, “The road to hell is 
paved with good intentions.”

Peter had asked about an OpenSolaris based solution for Sparc.  Somebody else 
mentioned OpenSXCE, but when nobody responded to his queries for further info, 
I was stupid, and took the devil’s bait.  I regret having fallen for it.  

But with all due respects, most of you are acting like a bunch of little 
children.  You want the thread to die, and have peace restored on the list; but 
you also insist on having to have the last word.  And as long as you maintain 
this behaviour, it’s not going to die.

So some of you might want to think about growing up…

If you want the thread to die, then let it die.


Peter, hieromonk
openindiana-discuss mailing list

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