On Jul 7, 2014, at 12:29 PM, James Carlson <carls...@workingcode.com> wrote:
> At a guess, you've got several snapshots that are tying up a lot of
> valuable resources.

Thanks, Mr. Carlson.  

And that is something that I’d been wondering about for quite some time — “Do 
snapshots take additional space?”

I think your answer is "yes”.

Am I right?

And also, “Do boot environments take up additional space?”


myad...@tryphon.ds:~# beadm list
BE                           Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
OpenIndiana-151a7-2014-0705A -      -          10.9M static 2014-07-05 17:13
OpenIndiana-151a7-2014-0706A NR     /          26.8G static 2014-07-06 22:05
openindiana                  -      -          12.0M static 2014-07-04 17:39

I did some work last night, and made a new boot environment.  Would deleting 
that old BE from the night before, which I don’t expect to ever need again, 
clear up 10.9M?

And finally, on a somewhat unrelated, and yet somewhat related, offshoot of 

I fired up the “dead” server.  BTW, I ran Dell diagnostics on it, and it passed 
everything.  So it does not appear to be a hardware issue.

It looked like I ran out of disk space on it.  I could not figure out how to 
get into the /export/home/myadmin directory to delete some files.  That is 
undoubtedly where the problem is.

I was able to delete some zones that I was not using, which freed up some space 
— enough that I thought it should be able to boot — but it still will not boot. 
 I’m guessing it may be because rpool/export/home is still full.

I’m also guessing that I have to mount that rpool somehow to be able to do that.

If I’m right, would you please lend a hand and tell me how I should be able to 
do that?

I’d really appreciate it.

I’ll try to make it up to you somehow, too!

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