On 07/07/2014 15:12, Carsten Grzemba wrote:
I see that if the panels not appear the gnome-panel stack looks a little bit
root@gnom:~# pstack 28547
28547: gnome-panel
----------------- lwp# 1 / thread# 1 --------------------
feef4695 pollsys (8333b08, 11, 0, 0)
fee853a6 poll (8333b08, 11, ffffffff, fe73162c) + 4c
fe731644 g_poll (8333b08, 11, ffffffff, fe7238ce) + 24
fe7239b0 g_main_context_poll (816e098, ffffffff, 7fffffff, 8333b08, 11,
8045d88) + f0
fe722e3f g_main_context_iterate (816e098, 1, 1, 80ed110) + 37f
fe72306b g_main_context_iteration (816e098, 1, 8045e18, fedb08bc) + 7f
fedb08d4 link_main_iteration (1, fedce8cc, 8045e48, fed935d1) + 24
fed935df giop_recv_buffer_get (8045e80, 8045e7c, 0, 8045ec0) + 6b
fed97600 ORBit_small_invoke_stub (832de80, fdfe5fd0, 0, 8045f78, 0, 8045fb0)
+ 150
fed9748c ORBit_small_invoke_stub_n (832de80, fdfe5eec, 3, 0, 8045f78, 0) + 40
fedaaa83 ORBit_c_stub_invoke (832de80, fdfe5eec, 3, 0, 8045f78, 0) + 73
fdfbc265 Bonobo_PropertyBag_setValue (832de80, 80d282c, 8335dd4, 8045fb0) + 51
fdfaff17 bonobo_pbclient_set_value (832de80) + 7f
fdfafdd6 bonobo_pbclient_set_string (832de80, 80d282c, 823e580, 0) + 66
0809cf6b panel_applet_frame_change_background (82de680, 0, 1, fe94d8be) + ff
Hmm, could it be that the bonobo-activation-server starts after
gnome-panel or is not fully started for the machines where this
fails ?
Dr.Udo Grabowski Inst.f.Meteorology & Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology http://www.kit.edu
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