On 13-10-17 12:46 PM, Jim Klimov wrote:
On 2013-10-17 21:11, Geoff Nordli wrote:
I decided to just go with the iscsi targets for now.

I wonder if they too have implications of access rights
(to device nodes). BTW, what do you use as initiator -
the VirtualBox itself, or the OS it runs on (and provides
a local block device to the vbox)? I think both ways are

I use the built in vbox initiator.

Not the highest performing setup, but these are small business services and disk IO isn't the biggest issue we have.

I am using it for automated backup system. I virtualize their servers into vbox, pause the VM(s), zfs snapshot, send to a different pool and send another copy offsite.

have a great day!


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