I found a good step by step instruction which I used years ago and it worked 
pretty well: 

hope this helps,


> Am 25.09.2013 um 20:43 schrieb Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com>:
> Maybe someone can offer a brief outline of how one is to access shares
> on an OI machine from windows 7 based hosts?
> The share has sharesmb on and named but I'm not able to access it from
> windows 7.  Entering the username and passwd of shares owner into the
> dialog offered by windows 7 file explorer just fails with no helpful
> comments. 
>   zfs get sharesmb p1/projects/reader
>  NAME                PROPERTY  VALUE         SOURCE
>  p1/projects/reader  sharesmb  name=preader  local
> Nothing at all in the smb server log that is helpful. The last entries
> there are from OS start up several days ago:
> /var/svc/log/network-smb-server:default.log
> Permissions on the directory (reader) I'm trying to access:
> drwxr-sr-x 16 reader nfsu 17 2013-09-21 22:43 reader
> None of the other properties (besides sharesmb) as revealed by `get
> all' appear to have any bearing on remote access.
> There is no chance at all that I'm just entering the uid passwd wrong.
> They are simple and I use them everyday.
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