After the initial 151a8 release, some subsequent update broke many gui 
functions.  Bug reports have been made.  As I understand, investigations are in 
Stephen Stanford Jones
stationary:  sjones3ATcitadelDOTedu, 3-5876

-----Original Message-----
From: Harry Putnam []
Sent: Thu 2013-09-12 10:35
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] 151a8 User/group gui frontend not usable
On a recent install from 151a8 iso, I'm noticing the gui usr/group
tool starts and takes root passwd but then the little stop watch thing
shows up and it stays greyed out forever.

I've monkeyed around with useradd, usermod and groupadd to get the
needed numeric gid for my user making file creation happen with a
specific group (number).. but not seeing a clear way to do the same
with owner.

Possibly my monkeying around is what has made the gui tool useless,
but still there must be a way to make adjustments to try to bring that
user/group tool back online. 

I'd hoped to arrange owner/group numbers for certain users to match
those on a linux system.

Is there some way to debug the application?

Barring that, what is the best way to change the number assigned to a
users 'owner' bits so that user X has a specific number?

Is it simply to make the change in /etc/passwd?

Then chown all that users files to match?

And even when creating users from the command line, I don't see a way
in `man useradd' to set a numeric owner bit.
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