I've mounted a filesystem on a debian linux machine that resides on an
opendiana (solaris x86) machine and is  zfs filesystem.

I've mounted it with sshfs

The linux user is the same alpha uid (reader) as the solaris user and
both belong to the same group (same alpha and same numeric in the case
of group).

When mounted on the linux box by owner 'reader' the files owner
appears as 'messagebus' instead of 'reader' but the group name stays
the same (nfsu) like this:

-rw-r--r-- 1 messagebus nfsu       69 Mar  9  2010 CMD
drwxr-xr-x 1 messagebus nfsu        9 Mar  9  2010 doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 messagebus nfsu      390 Mar 14  2010 elog_flt

Anyone know what that means?

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