On 10/09/2013 13:54, Antony Brooke-Wood wrote:
I can ping the interface - but I can actually do that even when both the underlying NICs are unplugged. I'm not at work, but I know that /etc/hostname.aggr1 didn't exist when I checked. I'll check the other things you mentioned tomorrow - thanks.
Of course, much of that applies to static IPs, for dhcp, things can be a bit different, but I don't use dhcp usually, so I don't know how it should look like on file level. Usually dhcp should configure all these entries by itself, and the /etc/hostname.aggr1 or /etc/nodename.aggr1 and /etc/nodename should contain the hostname before if dhcp does not also set that automatically (ask your dhcp administrator). -- Dr.Udo Grabowski Inst.f.Meteorology a.Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT www.imk-asf.kit.edu/english/sat.php KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology http://www.kit.edu Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026
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