I had an inverse problem, moving rpool to smaller (but faster) disks . In the 
end, I did a send/receive operation after properly formatting the receiving 

I got the procedure from here:

and it's been working well. My train of thought is that you could:

- modify your VBox config for the VM by adding one of the larger disks.
- boot from OI live media
- do the ZFS send/receive from the old disks to the new ones
- shutdown the VM
- remove the old disks from the VM
- boot from the new ones

I'm not sure about this, but I thought the "autoexpand" feature only works on 
data pools, where you're using the whole disk.

Again, my 2รง, hope this helps.


On Sat, 31 Aug 2013 05:54:12 +0200
Jim Klimov <jimkli...@cos.ru> wrote:

> On 2013-08-31 03:54, Harry Putnam wrote:
> > Oh yes, that is what you explained before... sorry I said that
> > backwards ... If I were to detach the smaller discs, then that would
> > leave the bigger disk to boot off of...
> Yes, that should also work :)
> > So, maybe I can do something tricky during boot to get to the single
> > user, or maintenance more, or whatever its called, long enough to
> > attempt increasing the rpool disc size  If so, I'm not
> > finding it with google, and the openindiana wiki is totally silent on
> > it... or so it seems.
> >
> > Maybe I can edit something at the grub boot screen or such?
> Yes, you can try adding "-s" to the kernel "command-line" in GRUB,
> and this should boot you into single-user mode, where "root" is
> regarded as an interactive user (with password) and not a role.
> Alternately, you can boot from Live media (installer), then run
> # zpool import -R /a -N -f rpool
> This allows you to clean up obsolete snapshots, expand the pool, etc.
> You can mount the filesystem, like
> # zfs mount rpool/ROOT/openindiana
> It would likely appear as "/a" in the Live filesystem; then you
> can edit files on this pool and perhaps wipe the user's password
> or insert the cryptext from some other source (i.e. /etc/shadow
> of live media, with known password for "jack:jack" and such).
> When done, don't forget to
> # zpool export rpool
> So that you can properly boot off it.
> HTH,
> //Jim
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