Hi Jim,

>I don't think I've ever used installgrub -m flag... maybe it is what
>blocks you from installing to cXtYp0? Does installation to the disk
>itself (cXtY) also fail?

No, that does not work either:

# /sbin/installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c4d0p0
raw device must be a root slice (not s2)
Unable to gather device information for /dev/rdsk/c4d0p0

I need to specify s0...
# /sbin/installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c4d0s0
stage2 written to partition 1, 277 sectors starting at 50 (abs 61432610)
stage1 written to partition 1 sector 0 (abs 61432560)

Note that however, I still don't have my grub back after reboot.

# fdisk /dev/rdsk/c4d0p0

 Partition   Status    Type          Start   End   Length    %
      =========   ======    ============  =====   ===   ======   ===
          1                 IFS: NTFS         0  3823    3824     13
          2       Active    Solaris2       3824  10198    6375     21
          3                 Win95 FAT32    10199  16572    6374     21
          4                 EXT-DOS        16573  30400    13828     45

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