On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 09:24:19AM -0400, James Carlson wrote:
> In any event, either someone disabled ipfilter, or some "helpful"
> script has disabled the service for you. Since I suspect nwam, my
> next two stops would be either (a) googling to find out how to turn on
> debugging in nwam to see if there are any clues available there or (b)
> disabling nwam and going back to the old reliable (if difficult)
> traditional configuration mechanism.

Yes, I think you're right, the ipf config files that sometimes are
referenced in the ipfilter properties are also listed in the NWAM NoNet
Location thingey. I suspect that on boot, NWAM can't get an IPv4 address
in time so it defaults to NoNet, taking out ipfilter at the same time.

I'm not sure I can be bothered to work out exactly what's going on, I'll
just disable NWAM and see if that fixes things.

Thanks for the help,


Richard Jones                                      +44 7843 588 599
              "Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur"              
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