I've posted a similar query on the vbox lists, but not getting
anything back yet... and really wanted to keep on working now that I'm
getting into zpools and zfs.. after a few days configuring a new

Its a vm using vbox on win7 64 bit.

I did something while scripting up some rsync and zfs snapshot
scripts.  Maybe a few too many clicks or something... I don't know but
the mouse and keyboard froze up... I waited a good while but it didn't

Ok since I'm in a vm, I hit right CTRL which frees the mouse back to
the parent OS.  And tried shutting down the stuck OS.  Well it looked
like it came down but now when I try to restart it, first off the
button says "Aborted" rather than "Powered Down".  And when I try ot
start it, well, it comes a little ways but then I get message box that
says 'starting OS' and a graph bar holding at 20%.  It never goes any

I tried out waiting it but it is well and truly stuck.  Oh, and forgot
to mention that when it was apparently down I changed the CD so it
pointed back at the OI live disc... but I don't think its getting far
enough to see that.  It just goes right into the graph bar that never

I'm hoping there may be a fellow vm user who may have seen something
like this and know of some kind of tricky cure.

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