I remember an old post from almost a year ago about IRQ problems with OI. 

Couldn't that be the problem? 

Have you ever tried to install nap-it? Maybe it has some tweaks for iscsi? 

Kind regards, 

The out-side

Op 11 jun. 2013 om 21:19 heeft Heinrich van Riel <heinrich.vanr...@gmail.com> 
het volgende geschreven:

> I  dont think they just throw a vanilla copy of the OS on vanilla hardware
> for that. Like all storage providers they will have a set of specifics
> around the drivers/os and firmware down the disk level/model in most cases.
> We dont have access to that tested interoperability matrix and I am sure
> there are tons of other custom bits. Last I checked emc vnx still runs
> windows, but what does that really mean?
> Looking at the Comstar documentation for FC, it says to put the adapter in
> target mode and allocated LUNs. We are running emc vnx/cx/datadomain/cisco
> ucs (combo modules), tons of VMware and windows systems connected to the
> same fabric with no problems using the same adapters. I cant believe it is
> the fabric.
> When the slowdown happens and I stop all IO from the initiator side the
> Solaris system is unable to reboot. It will say it is stopping system
> services, but will be stuck in this state with no mention of any problems
> during the shutdown or before from the reboot.
> I took one last stab as one person mentioned that they are using FC with
> OmniOS and it does work for me, but only with the Qlogic card. With Emulex
> it also drops the link.
> I will just have to accept that I can only connect to the a single switch
> currently since we are an emulex shop and I have only this one qlt.
> On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 8:51 AM, Michael Stapleton <
> michael.staple...@techsologic.com> wrote:
>> I have no idea what the problem is, but it is worth noting that last
>> time I checked, Oracles storage arrays were running Solaris and Comstar.
>> Mike
>> On Mon, 2013-06-10 at 20:36 -0400, Heinrich van Riel wrote:
>>> spoke to soon died again.
>>> Give up. Just posting the result in case someone else run into issues
>> with
>>> fc target and find this. Solaris is not even the answer. When it slows

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