On May 24, 2013, at 6:35 AM, James Carlson wrote:

> Do you have /etc/aliases entries to redirect mail?  If not, I strongly
> recommend putting at least the standard sort of entries there.

I am kind of wondering what you consider to be the standard sort of entries?

The default /etc/mail/aliases file that OI installed in the Global zone has 
about twelve or so entries.  I went ahead and added one for "root: myadmin" and 
ran "newaliases".  But looking at the /etc/aliases file in Scientific Linux 6.4 
shows almost a hundred entries - a lot of which I know are not necessary.

And I noticed my zones don't have /etc/alias files -- except the zone I have 
Postfix in.

So, are the OI default (plus my root redirection) sufficient?  

And should I put them in my zones, too?

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