Oh yeah.  If you are using "ip-type: exclusive", does "# dladm show-vnic" show 
your vnic for the zone you are moving?

On May 20, 2013, at 2:31 PM, dormitionsk...@hotmail.com wrote:

> Oops.  Typo.
> /etc.hostname.YOUR_ADAPTER_NAME
> should be
> /etc/hostname.YOUR_ADAPTER_NAME
> On May 20, 2013, at 2:27 PM, dormitionsk...@hotmail.com wrote:
>> Well, the socially *un*acceptable way is to do a "sys-unconfig".  This will 
>> preserve your zone itself, but wipe out all the network configuration.  
>> (Including your /etc/hosts file, so if you need that, be sure to back it up 
>> to a different name). When you reboot the zone, it will make you go through 
>> the whole configuration process just like it was a new zone.
>> Before you try that, though, I suggest editing your 
>> /etc.hostname.YOUR_ADAPTER_NAME file.  Put in it the ip address  you want it 
>> to have, followed by "netmask" followed by your netmask.  Like:
>> netmask
>> It wouldn't hurt to look at your other networking files -- I'm sorry I can't 
>> tell you what they are offhand, but if you open "gnome-search-tool" in your 
>> global zone, you could use it to search for part of your ip address range 
>> (like 192.168) in your non-global zone, and that should find them all.
>> Sorry, but I'm not much of a networker.
>> In any case, changing your /etc/hostname.YOUR_ADAPTER_NAME file, and making 
>> sure the info in your /etc/hosts file are correct, and probably your 
>> /etc/nodename file -- then rebooting, should probably get you up and running.
>> HTH
>> On May 20, 2013, at 12:38 PM, Mark Creamer wrote:
>>> Well, sort of. It definitely got me thinking in a different direction, I
>>> found my mistake(s) and now I am able to finally attach and boot the zone.
>>> So thank you very much for that pointer
>>> The last thing (I think) I still am having trouble with is networking in
>>> the zone. I had created a vnic on the new server, and made sure it was
>>> named correctly in the zone config. I can ping the IP of the zone itself,
>>> but nothing else. Not the gateway, not other machines in the same subnet.
>>> The /etc/defaultrouter is correct, as is /etc/netmasks. I've tried halting
>>> the zone, zonecfg -> remove net, then re-adding it again. The zonecfg
>>> configuration is exactly like the one on the old server, the physical
>>> interface is the same name e1000g0. The vnic shows up correctly in the
>>> global zone with dladm show-vnic. Probably the best thing is to just delete
>>> networking on the zone and set it up from scratch, but I must be doing that
>>> wrong because that still didn't work.
>>> How do I configure and enable networking on a zone that has just been moved
>>> to a new server? (btw, the zone is halted and detached on the original
>>> server)
>>> Thanks
>>> On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 9:48 PM, dormitionsk...@hotmail.com <
>>> dormitionsk...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On May 19, 2013, at 7:27 PM, Mark Creamer wrote:
>>>>> I've been trying for weeks to get a zone off old hardware onto new. Both
>>>>> servers are running exactly the same OI release, 151a7. I have not been
>>>>> able to find a document that I can follow and get successful results.
>>>> I've
>>>>> tried both an Oracle doc on performing the procedure on Solaris 11, and
>>>>> another one here: http://unixhowto.filodownunder.com/?p=10. Neither work
>>>>> for me.
>>>>> The error I'm getting is: ERROR: no active dataset
>>>>> I found an article Alistair wrote here:
>>>> http://blogs.everycity.co.uk/alasdair/2011/10/fixing-no-active-dataset-on-zone-attach/and
>>>>> I tried the script in the article, but that returns:
>>>>> Invalid dataset name. It's looking for the parent of ROOT but I
>>>> apparently
>>>>> do not have that path so it fails, which is probably the root of the
>>>> whole
>>>>> issue.
>>>>> In a nutshell here's what I did in case anyone can see what the problem
>>>> is:
>>>>> 1. On the source server, I export the zone manifest and copy it to the
>>>>> destination server in /var/tmp
>>>>> 2. I halt and detach the zone on the source
>>>>> 3. I tar/gzip the zone, copy it to the destination server, and untar it
>>>>> there so that it resides in /datastore/zones/zonename just as it does on
>>>>> the source
>>>>> 4. I create a zonecfg, and edit it so the network vnic is correct for the
>>>>> new machine
>>>>> 5. I attempt to attach it on the new server, which fails.
>>>>> Maybe is someone can just tell me what they do to accomplish this, or
>>>> point
>>>>> me to a different how-to. I haven't been able to find anything else.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> --
>>>>> Mark
>>>> Look in the "Troubleshooting" and the "Create a zfs filesystem as a
>>>> container for build-zones" sections of this page.
>>>> http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Building+in+zones
>>>> Does this help?
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>>> -- 
>>> Mark
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