On Tuesday, March 05, 2013 09:21 AM, Geoff Nordli wrote:
On 13-03-04 03:01 PM, Christopher Chan wrote:
On Tuesday, March 05, 2013 01:22 AM, Geoff Nordli wrote:
On 13-03-03 04:43 PM, Christopher Chan wrote:
If Vbox did try to install the crossbow driver, he should have noticed it fail to load as there are three kernel calls that that driver expects to find but will be unable to find.

In any case, the vbox streams driver is problematic and cuts off the network from time to time. That's why I tried to force the installation of the crossbow driver only to find out that they are depending on three new vnic_{create|delete|modify} calls that illumos does not have.

I have a few all-in-one OI+VBox servers running and I am not seeing network issues. One is running oi_151a3+Vbox 4.1.22.

What makes you believe there are problems with the streams driver?

The fact that you ping a host from any other host without problems but the guest for some reason at that moment just cannot. Then later on, it is able while all others have been able for the entire time. I have two Windows guests with bridged adapters. If did seem that this only started when the second guest was added.

Did you create a vnic for each guest, and assign the same mac address on the vbox Ethernet adapter that is on the vnic?
Oh yes.
oliverbrad0  inetaggr0    1000   8:0:27:e2:8f:6a fixed               11
r2brad0      bradaggr0    1000   8:0:27:92:e8:15 fixed               11

<Adapter slot="0" enabled="true" MACAddress="080027E28F6A" cable="true" speed="0" type="virtio"> <Adapter slot="0" enabled="true" MACAddress="08002792E815" cable="true" speed="0" type="virtio">

I did get some weirdness with the virtio driver and linux guests. I have standardized on the 82545EM card for linux guests.

Is the weirdness the same as the above? Because, that is what I use, the virtio driver for the guests.

No, it wasn't intermittent on/off. From what I remember I would need to do a restart of the VM to recover. Though that may have been fixed now, but I just go with what works.

another note, one of the VMs is a PBX running Asterisk, which would be very sensitive to networking issues.

Well, my guests are all windows...and I am feeling it because one of them is the AD controller.

The streams driver performs well enough for you for Asterisk and other stuff?

It would be really nice to be able to use the crossbow driver. Managing the process of creating a vnic and then having to match the mac address is kind of a pain.

It is just three new kernel functions in a vnic_mgmt.h header IIRC. I have been trying to find out how dladm creates vnics to find out what the internal calls are but I have not hit anything with a cursory search and I have not had time to do a more thorough search.

If you find the time,that would be awesome!!

Yeah, time to get a build box.

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