> On Feb 6, 2013, at 12:22 AM, Stefan Müller-Wilken wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> would it be possible to compile your experience into some best practice 
>> topic on the wiki - similarily to what  Reginald has done for his N40L 
>> installation? I think that would really help others as the subject is 
>> setting OI apart from any Linux distro...
>> Cheers
>> Stefan

> Sorry for the delay in responding, but I've been away.
> I'm not so sure I'm the best one to write a "best practice" article about 
> anything!  I'll be happy to give it a shot, but I think somebody who knows 
> more than me should probably review it to make sure what I say is at least 
> reasonably correct.
> I think what might be more helpful is a series of pages on migrating from 
> Linux.  There are quite a few things I ran into with this project that were 
> less than enjoyable.
> Let me get OpenIndiana actually implemented, and we'll see what we can do.

Hello, All.

Well, I'm happy to report that I got the virtual networking to work, with the 
Crossbow virtual routers, etherstubs, etc. to do all the port forwarding to the 
various zones via our limited number of static IP Addresses.  Glory be to our 
holy God!!!

And surprisingly enough, it really is not all that complex.  

I don't have it fully implemented yet, but if all continues to go well, this 
should all work the Solaris way.  (As opposed to just making a Solaris server 
the Linux way.)

I'll try to write up something for the wiki, as Stefan requested.  Like I said, 
though, I think when it's done, someone more knowledgeable than me should 
probably review it.

This makes me real happy!!!

I wanted to take our network to a higher level.  I had no idea when I started 
this process that it would come to this!

Thanks again, everyone, for all of your help and advice.

Peter, hieromonk

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