On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 3:08 PM, CJ Keist <cj.ke...@colostate.edu> wrote:
> Info: OpenIndiana (powered by illumos)    SunOS 5.11    oi_151a5    June
> 2012
> We have ZFS folder with disk quota set on it.  That folder filled up, so the
> user delete about 3Gb of files. Problem is that ZFS still thinks the folder
> is full and will not let the user write any data. I checked the folder with
> "df -h" and it shows correct folder size minus the 3Gb.  I tried setting the
> quota=none and then back to quota=15g, but ZFS still shows disk is full.

Does the filesystem have snapshots that get counted against the quota?

> Is there anyway to force ZFS to recalculate disk usage?

ZFS should update the space used instantly. Try running "zfs list -o
space name/of/filesystem" to find out where the space is (snapshots,
dependents, etc.)


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