Added info:

Quoting from the beta test forum on,

"compile FFmpeg with libass and link with FreeType2 and Fontconfig libraries."

Not sure what this entails exactly or even if this is unreasonable for openindiana.

Well. If it can happen, thanks in advance!

On 2013-02-05 00:14, wrote:
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2013 21:06:51 +0100
From: "Hans J. Albertsson"<>
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss]
        sfe-encumbered -> ffmpeg and libffmpeg be updated to version 1.1.1??
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

I guess Milan or Ken Mays might be the people to ask about this??

Current compile and link options (including the librtmp inclusion) are
just right, I think. 1.1.1 contains stuff for new video stream types.
The latest version of libRTMP must also be used and referenced for the
new ffmpeg to work. I think.

This is to enable running the next beta, 1.2, of,

Serviio is possibly the only reasonably complete DLNA server that runs
w/o any special preps on OpenIndiana.

Installing on openindiana is no more complex than expanding
a tarball and running a jar. You can put an SMF def in place if you
like. Contact me if there's an interest.

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