On Feb 4, 2013, at 8:08 PM, Ian Collins wrote:

> dormitionsk...@hotmail.com wrote:
>> I think I'm crazy for wanting to set up three zones on this one machine.  I 
>> have specific reasons for it, so I can justify it (to myself), but when I 
>> first embarked upon this project, I wasn't even going to use zones at all, 
>> just because I didn't think I should introduce that much complexity to our 
>> set up.
> Only 3?  We tend to use a new zone for any new service on a machine.  They 
> only take a couple of minutes to configure and boot. It's better to keep a 
> dozen simple systems than one complex one!
> -- 
> Ian.

Yes, but they also take up new IP Addresses.  That's not bad if they only need 
to be accessed on the LAN, but what about zones that need to be accessed with 
static IP Addresses on the web?  We have to pay the phone company extra for 

Or am I missing something here?  (And that's entirely possible!)

Maybe it's time I call Qwest to see what our options and costs are going to be 
in upgrading the phone and internet service where the big server that's driving 
this whole project is going to be.  For our monastery, we're capped at 5.  We 
can't get any more than that.  And they're soaking us for $25 bucks a month for 
those as it is!  

All this would be so much easier if we had $230,000 to run a T1 line from our 
monastery to town...  [];-)

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