In light of the "OpenSolaris Bible" being a little outdated, it brings me to 
another question.  Would the following book be a decent reference book to be 
used with OpenIndiana?  Are Solaris 11 and OpenIndiana close enough that it 
would be useful, or would it cause a person problems if they tried to use it?

Oracle Solaris 11 System Administration The Complete Reference

I liked this author's writing style in his "Pro OpenSolaris" book.  That's why 
I was most interested in this book.  

I'm not even so concerned about this for myself; but if anything happens to me, 
the person who would have to take over all these machines doesn't know anything 
about Solaris -- only Red Hat Linux.  And with a wife, three little babies, a 
master's degree program, and a demanding programming job, he doesn't really 
need more stress than he already has!  He's already a prime candidate for a 
heart attack.

I just think it'd be nice to have a book lying around that would be useful in 
case it's needed in a pinch.

Also, I realize this is an Oracle publication, and so that might not make this 
book very popular in light of what they did to OpenSolaris.  I, personally, 
didn't like Oracle long before that.  But we're not supposed to remember 
wrongs, so if this would help, I think I'd have to force myself to overlook 

Or is there another book that might be better?

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