Hello Reg,

  I'm happy to hear that you have ultimately succeeded in this setup!
( And that my advice was not irrational and in vain, too ;) )

  I thought you planned on using four storage disks... Are you now
finalized on three? Note that you won't be able to expand raidz by
one drive, only recreate it...

On 2013-02-03 05:04, Reginald Beardsley wrote:
I got the N40L built w/ OI_151a7 using the LiveCD.  Jim's suggestion of a small 
MBR partition was the key.

It's a messy process though.  I've got a page on the wiki under storage that 
sort of describes the process.  I'll fill in more detail later. I'm a bit 
nervous that I've missed a detail.  I got beat up pretty badly by issues 
introduced by the 4k sectors and various rabbit holes making all the number 
match.  The cylinders on the ST2000DM001 are not multiples of 4k.  That doesn't 
seem to matter, but it wasted a lot of time.

There's a real need for something simpler for installing a NAS w/ a regular GUI 
console.  I like my text windows.

I created a 3x30 GB mirrored rpool and a 3 disk RAIDZ dpool.  I've got 3.5 TB 
available in the RAIDZ pool and a 64 GB write of /dev/zero reported 199 MB/s.  
It even boots if I remove a disk w/o having to hit F10, so the N40L BIOS is not 
completely hopeless.

Thanks a lot for all the help and guidance.  Now to get my head around writing 
bug reports on format(1m) and fmthard(1m) and possibly some other things.

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