On 2013-01-26 22:57, Reginald Beardsley wrote:
BTW what's the deal w/ 34?  If you try to set anything smaller it's disallowed, 
though I did manage somehow to get it set to 6.  There is a *lot* of 
inconsistency in the rules in the various parts of the format(1m) utility.

IIRC, 33 sectors was the classical cylinder size, and cylinder
alignment was required of partitions. While this is no longer
the case, many programsa (bootloaders, boot sector backups, etc)
expect the zero'th cylinder to be empty (sans the MBR sector)
and available for their work. So other tools play along ;)

It would be really nice if one could do a zfs send to an USB disk for backup.  
Even better if you could form a USB based RAIDZ w/ 3 TB disks.

Well, that is possible - some usb-flash raid sets were in YouTube Sun marketing clips ;)

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