On 2012-12-29 10:10, Brogyányi József wrote:
Thanks for your script.I'm going to try.So I if I understand well the
next commands are perfect:
shutdown -y -i5 -g0***for power off
shutdown -y -i6 -g0***for reboot.
The commands are good?Are they working on oi?

Yes, now that I was corrected that shutdown is a script (and apparently
was even back in Solaris 8, so I am now not so certain about opinion of
my teachers on this matter), you can see that in essence your commands
above wrap the "init 5" and "init 6" calls with no confirmation and no
grace period. I find the "init" way to be faster to type, but now I
guess this is a matter of taste and readability ;)

Note however that halt, poweroff and reboot commands are binaries (and
hardlinks of one program), and they can be ungraceful and fast.


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