R E S P E C T !!
Kind regards, The out-side Op 18 dec. 2012 om 03:22 heeft Martin Bochnig <mar...@martux.org> het volgende geschreven: > Dear Illumos and all OpenSolaris comrades > > > > Sorry that I wasn't online for 2 months. > I did not break my promise: In fact I did nothing else but working on > Illumos' new SVR4 based reference distro for IA32, AMD64 and sun4u as > well as sun4v, with X11, also on _all_ SPARC platforms. > > > As it was the goal to create sort of reference distro, the standards > needed to be kept high. > For this reason it didn't take 5 weeks, as originally estimated, but 5 months. > FULLTIME(!), night and day, no holidays ... > > In fact I forgot to earn money (just had no minute), for this reason I > lost my apartment. > I needed to live 6 weeks in my old year 1988 built Mercedes. > Therefore I could not go online. I have no clue what has happened here > on our lists. > So far I only had time to read some of today's messages. > > I would probably never feel ready to release anything, because > demand_for_perfection bugs me now and then. > However, this time I did not just create a non-installable crappy > LiveDVD as in the past with MartUX. > > Instead I ported distro_const and caiman's text-install and > gui-install to use SVR4 instead of IPS, for convenience the excellent > OpenCSW's pkgutil was chosen. > Not just to get it to function "somehow", but to remove all traces of > that IPS stuff, while keeping the useful things in, but to match them > as much as possible with pkgutil ... > > There would have been 2 fundamental approaches: Easy and tougher. > The first would be to take all IPS manifests and convert them > semi-automated to SVR4 prototype/pkginfo/depend files. > And simply to keep all the new pkg sets and pkg names and dependencies > just intact. > This would certainly be nice and interesting. Maybe someone want's to > do that, too :) > However, this would break dependency resolution backwards > compatibility to all legacy SVR4 packages in existance. > > For this reason, I neglected it. > > The second one was, to reverse-engineer everything back to the old times. > And that's what I did. > > Not just for Illumos/OSnet, but for ___all___ consolidations. > Not just to get old pkgdefs to build without failiure (where they are > available), but also to re-assign more than 15 thousand (!) unassigned > files to new pkgdefs (this number for Illumos ON alone!!!) > Also it was necessary to take older G11N checkouts (just as one > example), because we need the good old /usr/openwin > internationalization stuff as well, for OpenXsun. > > OpenXsun's port itself took another 3 weeks. > And also the Illumos kernel needed to > It is an endless endless endless list. > And basicly one never gets 100% finished (depending on how high your > standards of perfection are). > However, originally I promised to come back to you on October 18th. > Today is December 18th. Probablybout time to make a short pre-announcement. > > > Current Status: > > 0.) Illumos/Nevada built for x86 and SPARC: YES, Fully packaged: YES > > 1.) Caiman Sliminstall: distro_const: (always Python based) ported to > SVR4 OpenCSW pkgutil: for x86 and SPARC: YES, Fully packaged into > SVR4: YES > text-install (Python version): > ported to SVR4 OpenCSW pkgutil: for x86 and SPARC: YES, Fully > packaged into SVR4: YES > gui-install (C version) > ported to SVR4 OpenCSW pkgutil: for x86 and SPARC: YES, > Fully packaged into SVR4: YES > (the rest of Caiman under way, but > stopped due to the other major TODO's) > > 2.) X11-NV (Xorg): built for x86 and SPARC: YES, Fully packaged into SVR4: > YES > > 3.) openXsun: ported to SPARC-Illumos: YES, Fully packaged into SVR4: YES > > 4.) oi-build/illumos-build/sfw: built for x86 and SPARC: YES, Fully > packaged into SVR4: YES > > 5.) g11n including SUNWxsun-keytables for SPARC, plus messages and > inputmethod: built for x86 and SPARC: YES, Fully packaged into SVR4: > YES > > 5.) JDS: 80% built for SPARC, 95% built for x86, 100% fully packaged > into SVR4: YES > > 6.) Hacked pkgutil to finally support SUNW core packages (that are > split into different architecture versions, yet all have the samae > package names in their pkginfo files (without their arch specific > suffix!): YES. > As a result, the patched version of pkgutil can be used to install the > entire new OS, yet still supports installing OpenCSW and Blastwave > packages, if you just add a mirror line! You can tweak the order of > preference at which, by simply changing (or commenting in/out) mirror > lines. > Plus: The mirror can also be a simple locally available filesystem > directory. No httpd needs to be running, and it doesn't matter on what > fs type these directories reside. > > As time pressure forces me to release something, although I'm not > entirely ready (still missing dependencies, that I still installed > from the old Solaris DVD for internal testing (but which aren'r > re-distributable). > > I can create a few dirty fake packages to work around this problem for now. > Because I don't really want to use pkgutil's --nodeps option. And to > exclude specific packages doesn't work right now. > Need to look, why. > > As said, the last few inches still need to be completed. > But I do understand that you want to see some proof to play with. > The text_install iso's do get released on holy eve, December 24th. > As does the complete openXsun port src. > All the other sources will get 100% released, too. But there is still > a ton of temporary intermediate files in them. > And I so far never cared about adding me or the new project's name to > the CDDL headers (e.g. as Nexenta uses to do). Need to aks a few folks > about that. > All that needs to get polished, and it will. > > > Project name: You will enjoy it :) > It is not intended to be "my" distro. > It is neither MartUX, nor and other personified variant. > But as I cannot register the new domain without credit card (with some > minimal balance ...), I'm not sure if the name should be spoken out > already. > > OURdistro!!!!! That is the vision. > In 6 days you can test the first installable text-install iso's for > SPARC and x86. > The gui-install version that boots into JDS follows a few days later. > As do the sources (except for openXsun, which you get on the first > day, December 24th) > > Our distro, our project, our way of life :) > > > CREDITS: I thank my family and my wife, mother, grandmother for all > the unbelievable support and financial help and understanding. > Thanks go also to Al Hopper, who always helped me, did all the hosting > work and donated 200$ in 2009. > Thanks also to Volker Brandt, who borrowed me 200EUR 2 months ago > (Volker: You will get them back, somehow, promised ...) > Also to Brian Gupta, who donated 3000$ in 2008 and rescued my life. > Also to Ken Mays, who created the nice Wiki page for us, and helped > forwarding a V490 cpu board to me, from overseas. > > kind regards, and till December 24th! > > > > > %martin bochnig > http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/MartUX_OpenIndiana+oi_151a+SPARC+LiveDVD > http://www.youtube.com/user/MartUXopensolaris > http://www.facebook.com/pages/MartUX_SPARC-OpenIndiana/357912020962940 > https://twitter.com/MartinBochnig > > _______________________________________________ > OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list > OpenIndiana-discuss@openindiana.org > http://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss _______________________________________________ OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list OpenIndiana-discuss@openindiana.org http://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss