Sorry, I call TROLL. "Socialism" is the right's new bogeyman, they always
have had one - the Red Scare, McCarthy-ism, inter-racial marriage, heck,
even woman's suffrage! Taxation without representation is challenging the
status quo!

This is not the venue for discussions like this. Let's *please* drop the

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 2:18 PM, <> wrote:

> Oh, and those are my thoughts -- not necessarily those of the leaders of
> our monastery.
> I'm just a little guy here.
> On Dec 17, 2012, at 12:16 PM, wrote:
> > I'm probably trolling here, and this is definitely off-topic, but gee --
> we have a communist president, who's filled his White House staff with
> communists... They've been subtly teaching socialism (which is just a
> stepping stone to communism) in our schools for more than fifty years...
>  What's the point of excluding these countries?  Why the show?
> >
> > I've been to the Congo twice -- they're on the list of countries with
> these export restrictions.  I know they have internet there.  You can be
> deep, deep, deep in the  jungle there, and still see computers and cell
> phones.
> >
> > Very odd.
> >
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