Hi. This will be a lite off-topi from thread but... here you have

since long time ago, I'm trying "to ride" OI but download a disc is imposible, 
reach down very bad. I would like to know if could get DVD from other no digital
ways. I also was thinking in start a community but the fact is that ORACLE 
sites are
closed for Cuba. I'm tied by the hands.

I would like to start a blog with the theme "how to illumise you servers" for 
about migration form linux to SunOS (Open Indiana) servers in spanish. BUT! I 
not the first step. Would be very glad is somebody could help me with the DVD.

Out internet here is rather slow, that way I need the ISO install and a "repo" 
if it
is posible. Perfect would be "on DVD full solution". That would make of OI a 
for not internet access peoples.

OI is daying, we only can push it. Don't leve the ship get sanked. ORACLE will
surprise us very soon...

Thread name: "Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Future of OI" 
Mail number: 5 
Date: Wed, Dec 12, 2012 
In reply to: Marcel Telka 
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 04:34:56AM +0600, Dmitry Kozhinov wrote:
> > Very well said. Agreed 100%.
> > I wish I could contribute to these tasks, but I am a Windows
> > developer, and humble OI user.
> You can: File bug reports, proof read man pages, test things, write wiki 
> pages,
> blogs, articles, ... You could also start to learn illumos internals and unix
> programming. There is no excuse even for Windows developers.
> > >Obviously, we all need to sit down and start to lead, sponsor, develop, and
> > >make the site working.

-------- Warning! ------------
100'000 pelos de escoba fueron
introducidos satisfactoriamente
en su puerto USB.

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