Sigh... Some days you just can't win.

The system I'm trying to get the 3 TB disk working w/ has been on a 4 port KVM 
switch for several years.  151a7 seems to have decided that I can use the mouse 
or I can use the keyboard, but not both.  Though I didn't notice any problem 
when I was fiddling w/ the SATA drive on the 151a7 system.  So it may be 
related to having the 3 TB USB disk connected.
I'll test that tomorrow.

My regular internet access system is on the same switch running 151a.  Both 
151a and Sol 10 sometimes lose a USB connection, usually to the mouse, but 
cycling back through the systems restores the connection.  But the 151a7 box 
was persistently toggling mouse only - keyboard only.

I think I've suffered enough for today.  When I started the day I had one admin 
problem.  Now I have 3 :-(


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