I hate bringing up Solaris11 again, but by default NICs are named net0
net1 net2. Maybe, someday...


On Sat, 2012-10-20 at 20:16 +0400, Jim Klimov wrote:

> As a midway point, vanity naming did not solve this.
> It only applies the name to the first interface in the datalink.conf
> file with this name, regardless of whether its device exists.
> In particular, if the eth0 name is mapped onto rge0 first, then gani0,
> the system boots up with an unavailable eth0 interface and creates a
> new vanity naming gani0=gani0. If I reverse those two lines, things
> work. So, vanity names don't really help my case - not without an
> intermittent reboot, or some (SMF?) script to vanity-name the correct
> interface and continue with dladm setup of the system.
> That's something but not enough to satisfy me ;)
> 2012-10-20 20:08, Michael Stapleton wrote:
> > Bridging only supports physical NICs, not VNICs :-(
> >
> > Adding multiple VNICs to a physical NIC addresses this, but you are back
> > to your original problem of changing physical NICs.
> >
> > I see scripting in your future...
> Yes, my prophet! That might be possible ;)
> > NWAM might be used to trigger your scripts.
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