Hello everyone,

         I met a strange problem about the core dump in openindiana.

         The setting of ulimit like below:
root@openindiana:~# ulimit -c

but, my program, sometimes crashes but no core dump in the program directory.

And I have done some testing, like read write a NULL point, and the core dump 
was generated normally.

My program was just doing some socket jobs, and have a few threads.

My question is, if there is any special bugs that when the program crashes and 
no core dump will be generated?
Or there should be any special setting I was missing?



Best Rgds,
Encore Deng
Mobile: (86) 134 161 259 40
BizCONLine Limited
Member company of Incu-Tech Programme, HKSTP
Tel: 3483 2050
Unit 222A, 2/F,Enterprise Place (Bldg 9),
No. 5 Science Park West Avenue,
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