Hi Bob, Bob Friesenhahn píše v út 11. 09. 2012 v 14:22 -0500: > On Tue, 11 Sep 2012, Milan Jurik wrote: > > > > And probably other things which do not come to my mind just now. > > Documentation was always good thing in Solaris, we had team of dedicated > > people working on it. Do you think it is good area for you? > > It would be useful to build up a comparison matrix of top packages in > the Debian Popularity Contest (http://popcon.debian.org/) and compare > these packages to the ones that OpenIndiana currently offers to make > sure that OpenIndiana is not ignoring popular packages which might > easily compile and be useful on OpenIndiana. >
I would prefer to avoid such way. Sun internal people know how such thing ends... Packages should be added by people who need them and volunteer to maintain them. Otherwise system is full of popular packages which are not maintained. > Also useful to look at each package that OpenIndiana currently offers > and see how much out of date it is and what newer release version the > package could be updated to to without causing harm (e.g. can it work > with libraries that OpenIndiana already provides). > > Lastly, the CVEs (security alerts) applicable to OpenIndiana should be > collected so that it can be known which applications have important > security issues. > Both these can help, mainly to Meths. If there is such volunteer, he should contact Meths and ask him privately. > Bob Best regards, Milan _______________________________________________ OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list OpenIndiana-discuss@openindiana.org http://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss