Would not webmin be a good fit? Develop good modules for webmin to
manage OI with.


On Sun, 2012-09-02 at 17:02 +0200, Open Indiana wrote:

> It's not that OI doesn't have to have a GUI, it's only that not all settings
> have to be set OVER a GUI. 
> Of course it needs a decent GUI, but that doesn't imply that you can
> change/alter anything without getting deeper and into the commandline. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Gendel [mailto:g...@genashor.com] 
> Sent: zondag 2 september 2012 16:53
> To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
> Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] "OpenIndiana lead Alasdair Lumsden
> resigns"
> On 9/2/12 7:23 AM, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:
> > On 2/09/12 02:48 AM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> >> On Sat, 1 Sep 2012, Robin Axelsson wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I'm fully aware of the power of the command line and it is the 
> >>> command line that really makes me like Unix based OSes (including 
> >>> Linux). But making OI look well-polished with a fancy and easy to 
> >>> administer web-admin GUI that would encourage the average-Joe to use 
> >>> it as a home-NAS / virtual server is not a bad thing. That way OI 
> >>> would reach a higher penetration with a larger user-base and most 
> >>> importantly; it will get _free advertising_. To some extent the old 
> >>> adage "A good product markets itself" has some truth in it. But it 
> >>> must not only be good, it has to /look/ good so that even a less 
> >>> versed person will understand how good it is.
> >>
> >> Focusing on issues like this would be putting the cart before the 
> >> horse.  It is more important to be able to easily build everything 
> >> and incorporate updates than to have a fancy configuration GUI. OI 
> >> popularity should come second to correct functionality and having an 
> >> organization (of volunteers and corporate entities) to sustain it. If 
> >> OI is worthy, popularity will follow, even if only from people who 
> >> already preferred Solaris.
> >
> > +1. Precisely.
> >
> I totally agree.  However, I selfishly want an X-windows server and window
> manager on my server.  I personally would prefer a simple window manager
> over a the heavyweight Gnome/KDE camps but there are reasons to go with
> these.
> I develop GUI based applications and have just about one of every
> Linux/Unix/Mac/Windows OS and version running to do build and test sitting
> in the home office on the opposite coast.  Our clients still have a large
> investment with Solaris 9/10 so it is important that this builds and runs on
> a Solaris variant.  Some of the apps can launch external programs, so it
> determines whether it should use gnome-open, etc. to choose the appropriate
> application.
> I telecommute, so when I make code changes I like to first build and test it
> on a cross section of platforms locally so I don't ship it out to the build
> farm broken and make everyone unhappy.
> I run router/firewall/file-share/backup/web/imap,web,smtp mail services on
> an old V20z.  I have over 10 TB of mirrored zfs storage on which stores mail
> for each user  With all of this, I seldomly tax it's resources.  I do,
> however use this to build and test to make sure that it properly compiles
> and runs my applications.  This has saved me countless of re-spins do to
> compiler or library issues. Without X-windows and some WM, I would no longer
> be able to use this machine that way and would have to take the hit for
> breaking Solaris builds.
> I recently picked up an Enterprise 450 when I heard of the OI Sparc efforts.
> However, it came with the internal NIC and the DVD drive broken.  It also
> has that funky PXE graphics card.  I got around the NIC by putting a
> fiberchannel card in and a SX to TX converter, and picked up a replacement
> DVD drive.  I was hoping to not only use it for testing, but to use it to
> help the SPARC OI efforts but it still requires X-windows and WM to be
> useful for me.
> I can't believe that I'm the only one that uses OI to do GUI product
> development.
> Gary
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