On Fri, 17 Aug 2012, Timothy Coalson wrote:

The manpages have an answer, though it takes a bit to get there.  The
zfs man page, under sharenfs, redirects to the share manpage, which
redirects to the share_nfs manpage, which after a bit of looking, has
this gem:

        When specifying individual IP addresses, use the same  @
        notation  described  above, without a netmask specifica-
        tion. For example:


So, I think what you want is "zfs set
sharenfs='ro=@,root=@' data/data" for
read-only root access.  Hostnames should work without "@", but
"ro=root=" doesn't work.

Thanks! That's fixed it and root on the Linux client now has full read access to all the files on the OI server.

The reason I'm doing this is to back up all the ZFS datasets to tapes on the Linux box (which is running Bacula and has tape libraries attached) before upgrading the OI system from OI 148 to OI 151a5 and then building the bacula-fd client on the OI system.

Thanks a lot for your help & have a great weekend.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 9:40 AM, andy thomas <a...@time-domain.co.uk> wrote:

I've been trying to export a ZFS share on a OI 148 system to a Linux NFS client 
system whose root needs read access to all files on the OI box. I've tried 
variations of the zfs sharenfs command such as:

        zfs set sharenfs='root=' data/data
        zfs set sharenfs='ro=root=' data/data
        zfs set sharenfs='root=backup.my-domain.com' data/data

etc, but root on the Linux box still cannot read files set by users on the OI 
server with permissions like 600 (that is, -rw-------).

I've also tried using the mountvers=3 and vers=3 mount options on the Linux box 
 but these don't fix the problem.

What am I doing wrong?


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