---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Мартин Бохниг (Martin Bochnig) <mar...@martux.org>
Date: Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: [discuss] SPARC and Illumos
To: disc...@lists.illumos.org

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 12:59 AM, Brad Walker <bwal...@musings.com> wrote:
> Recently there was some talk about SPARC compatibility.
> I would like to make sure that Illumos continues to have proper SPARC
> compatibility and would like to volunteer to make this happen.
> I'm a long time Sun guy. When I lived in Silicon Valley, I had a 4/280
> with a Kennedy tape drive and a couple of SMD drives. I just couldn't
> keep dragging it around when I moved and so it is now been disposed
> of. Plus, the power bill was getting pretty large.
> Currently I have an Ultra 10, Sunblade 1000, Sunblade 2500, and a
> T2000. The Sunblade 2500 is my main home machine. When I need to use a
> PC, I run SunPCI3. So far this has served me well over the years. The
> T2000 is a new addition to the family and would like to retire the
> Sunblade 2500 as I migrate over to the T2000.
> So I guess you can say, that I've got a few machines that we can use.
> But, my question is: How do I get started with Illumos?
> Ideas or suggestions would be most appreciated.
> -brad w.

Hi all,

this project is still in its mysterious darkroom phase, which ends on
August 31st.
From then on it enters its o_p_e_n(indiana) phase.
And everybody is happily welcome to contribute.

I canceled my holidays and work on it 12 to 18 hours every weekday and weekend.
And I'm now sure, that the promised release date of August (for the
initial demo) can be met.

At the current moment it would be contra-productive to work in a team,
as the chatting, explaining and talking would prevent us from going

Everybody has a different approach of working, but I hope you
understand that this is mine.
So please wait until August 31st, which is in 2 weeks, and therefore
in just a few felt "moments".
Time flies .......

And to keep you loyal SPARC fellows 2 weeks more patient, here is some
of the daily dog food that I enjoy to eat myself:

Build started Thu Aug 16 21:26:25 2012
Distribution name: OpenIndiana
Build Area dataset: magicspace/dc/20120816thu__0
Build Area mount point: /magicspace/dc/20120816thu__0
==== im-pop: Image area creation
Initializing the IPS package image area:
Setting preferred publisher: sparcoi
        Origin repository:
Verifying the contents of the IPS repository
Installing the designated packages
Uninstalling the designated packages
Setting post-install preferred publisher: sparcoi
        Origin repository:
Stopping at im-mod: Image area modifications
Build completed Thu Aug 16 23:11:27 2012
Build is successful.



$ uname -a
SunOS  5.11 oi_151a_Initial_SPARC_OpenIndiana__with_cheers_from__Martin_Bochnig
sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000

So, again: Thanks for your offer to help.
Starting in two weeks a nice community project is available to you and us all.


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