I have not looked at this in a long time, But multiple SUN DHCP servers
used to be able to use a common NFS share of their configuration files.
Yes the server can be configured to ping(Test) the addresses.



On Thu, 2012-08-09 at 03:51 +0400, Jim Klimov wrote:

> Hello all,
>    I wondered if the Sun DHCP server, also provided in OI, supports
> synchronization of instances - i.e. two boxes providing addresses
> for the same range, "should" support interchange of leased address
> lists, defined macros (dhcptab) and so on.
>    Perhaps a shared LDAP backend can be implemented?
>    From what I currently see, there is multi-instance support, but
> it seems based on shared FS (i.e. NFS) to store the DHCP tables...
> are there any other options currently available, or reasonably easy
> to implement?
>    Secondly, does Sun DHCP support active probing (arp/ping) whether
> the IP address it is going to lease is actually available and not
> used by some squatter (or a client of another DHCP server), and
> logging the result?
> Thanks,
> //Jim Klimov
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