This was all with nwam. I was sick of fighting that battle too so I just gave up.

It appears to be working now after the refresh when ipfilter was disabled.

On 07/18/12 04:58 PM, Marco van Lienen wrote:
On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:56:28AM -0400, you (Daniel Kjar) sent the following 
to [openindiana-discuss] :
Not sure what I am looking for in here.  It looks like it would have
used my ipf.conf if I had 'upgraded' but I don't see anything else
in there that helps.
Is ipfilter truly online?
What does svcs -l ipfilter:default show you? (check the enabled line)
Are you using network/physical:nwam or network/physical:default?
I used to run nwam configured using its networking profiles on oi_151a3 or 4, 
not quite sure which.
I noticed after a reboot that ipfilter was shown to be running in a temporary 
state (enabled was not showing true IIRC)
Only after switching from nwam to network/physical:default ipfilter started 
working the way I expected it to.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Dr. Daniel Kjar
Assistant Professor of Biology
Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Elmira College
1 Park Place
Elmira, NY 14901

"...humans send their young men to war; ants send their old ladies"
        -E. O. Wilson

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