On Tue, 26 Jun 2012 20:04:51 +0200, you wrote:

>On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 6:23 PM, WarGrey[????????] <juzhenli...@gmail.com> 
>> I installed OpenIndiana b151 in virtualbox on MacOSX, there is a zone with
>> dedicated ip over e1000g1 which connecting to a host-only virtual NIC.
>> Everything was okay before updating to b151a4. I could access it
>> everywhere, host OS, global zone, or any other VMs whose NICs are in the
>> same virtual network.
>> However, when updating to b151a4, it is not ping-able outside the box,
>> unless following command is running in the global zone:
>> tcpdump -i e1000g1.
>VNICs and VirtualBox doesn't go well together. The reason for this is
>that VirtualBox doesn't know anything about the MAC address of the
>VNIC, and thus doesn't forward traffic to that MAC address into the
>virtual machine.
>When you run tcpdump it will set the network interface in promiscuous
>mode, which will drop the filtering of traffic intended to other
>hosts, and the traffic to the zone will get through.
>The best way I have found to solve this, is to create an extra network
>interface in the VirtualBox configuration, and then assign that
>interface to the zone instead of a VNIC. Then it will work as

Good hint.

Additionally: NICs are cheap in VirtualBox. Although the GUI only allows
management of up to four, the CLI VBoxManage can manage up to eight



Kees Nuyt

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