Thanks Mike.  I will try this first, it not I'll go the more "drastic" route!


On 24 Jun 2012, at 20:10, Mike La Spina wrote:

> Adam,
> There is a possibility that the existing mega_sas driver will work
> correctly out of the box. Can't verify it for you but there are some
> simple ways to invoke a detection and or direct binding.
> The Initiator/Target mode can be applied using a utility from LSI. It
> can also be applied from a Linux/Windows OS etc. 
> 1: Add the alias to /etc/driver_alias
> Edit the file and directly after this line:
>       driver name=mega_sas class=scsi \
> Add the following pci id strings - most likely the first one:
>       alias=pci1000,0073.9240.1000 \
>       alias=pci1000,0073.3035.1054 \
>       alias=pci1000,0073.1054.1000 \
>       alias=pci1000,0073.1458.1002 \
> 2: Or directly binding it with drv_add
>       pfexec add_drv -i '"pci1000,73"' mega_sas
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Gold [] 
> Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 12:15 PM
> To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
> Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] recognizing disks
> Mike,
> Thanks a lot for the response.  The controller model is LSI 9240-8i.  I
> ran the command and received the following output:
> *************
> pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>        pci8086,3408 (driver not attached)
>        pci8086,340a (driver not attached)
>        pci8086,340e (driver not attached)
>            pci1000,9240 (driver not attached)
>        pci8086,342d (driver not attached)
>        pci8086,342e (driver not attached)
>        pci8086,3422 (driver not attached)
>        pci8086,3438 (driver not attached)
>        pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>        pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>        pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>        pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>        pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>        pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>        pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>        pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>        pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>                    input, instance #4 (driver not attached)
>            motherboard (driver not attached)
>            asy, instance #0 (driver not attached)
>            asy, instance #1 (driver not attached)
>            motherboard (driver not attached)
>            ide (driver not attached)
>        pci15d9,6 (driver not attached)
>            ide (driver not attached)
>    ioapics (driver not attached)
>        ioapic, instance #0 (driver not attached)
>    used-resources (driver not attached)
>    agpgart, instance #0 (driver not attached)
> *************
> I'm guessing it's one of the pci drivers - any pointers (or questions I
> can answer to help narrow it down).  Also, am I correct in saying the
> loading of the Initiator/Target mode firmware image should be done in
> the BIOS before the O/S has loaded?
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards,
> Adam
> On 24 Jun 2012, at 17:24, Mike La Spina wrote:
>> Hi Adam,
>> Possibly the LSI controller was not matched to a driver. Check the 
>> controller model and verify it is on the HCL.
>> Run: 
>> pfexec prtconf | grep driver
>> to observer any devices that are not bound to a driver.
>> Typically I have found that the some RAID mode firmware within LSI 
>> cards and other vendors is not always compatible or matched to a
> driver.
>> For example I have an IBM (LSI 1068) branded adaptor. It works fine 
>> when I load the Initiator/Target mode firmware image but not when it's
>> running the RAID firmware image.
>> Regards,
>> Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Adam Gold []
>> Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 9:28 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] recognizing disks
>> Hi there.  I'm a linux user and have recently decided to switch to 
>> OpenIndiana using a x86_64 server.  Somewhat embarrassingly I'm seem 
>> to be falling at one of the early hurdles.  My server has 1 SSD where 
>> the O/S has been successfully installed and 4 X 3TB hard drives 
>> managed by an LSI RAID controller.  I have configured the hard drives 
>> as JBOD so I can use ZFS with all its capabilities.
>> Having booted up for the first time I ran 'format -e' but the 4 hard 
>> drives were not detected.  Likewise when using 'cfgadm -alv' and 
>> 'devfsadm' + 'format' there was no sign of any unconfigured drives.
>> Just to be sure there wasn't any legacy data/meta-data I booted to a 
>> rescue disk and erased the GPT labels at the beginning and end of the 
>> 3TB disks using 'dd'.  Again no luck.
>> These drives have always showed up automatically under linux so I'm 
>> wondering if I'm making some very obvious starting error with the new 
>> O/S, perhaps to do with labelling (although now there really are no
>> labels) or something.  I'm posting in the hope that this may be 
>> quickly apparent to veteran users (and apologies for the relatively 
>> trivial level of the inquiry).  Thanks in advance for any responses.
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