I have oi-151a4 running on an Intel D510 (atom) motherboard for a
storage server at home, and it has an rge interface. In the days of
OpenSolaris there were some problems with the driver which sound
similar to your description. I haven't seen those problems since it
was openSolaris-133 i think. Certainly not since OpenIndiana.

My driver shows up in `prtconf -v` as:


I take it the problem is with the motherboard interface (rge0)? Are
there any bios/firmware updates for your machine?


On 18 June 2012 06:15, ramble1035 @dslextreme.com
<ramble1...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> I've got a small PC with two rge networking interfaces (one on the
> motherboard, one on a separate pcie card).  I'm seeing some
> intermittently flakey behavior, where the network just stops talking.
> Looking at it seems to indicate things are alive and well, and my
> internal LAN switch shows a hardware connection but no activity.
> This last episode, I experienced:
> a completely unresponsive local net connection on rge0
> ifconfig showed correct values (possibly left over from when it *was* working)
> ping out got nothing
> ping in got request timeouts and no route to host errors
> the other network interface worked fine
> netstat -r  produced (eventually) a routing table with a correct
> default route, but it took a while.
> a reboot produced a "failure to plumb rge0" message on the console
> a physical power cycle brought everything up just fine.  It's all
> currently working as expected.
> Has anyone experienced intermittent network outages?  Is it possible
> there are some issues with the rge driver?  Are there any things I can
> try to identify an error condition and/or reset the network by hand?
> Thanks -
> -- C
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