On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Jim Klimov <jimkli...@cos.ru> wrote:
> 2012-05-15 2:11, Tim Dunphy wrote:
>> ok thanks for the suggestion.. I've rebooted and it seems alright...
>> let's hope it keeps working :)
> In case of dladm, if proper command-line methods don't help, you
> can try to manipulate the config files in /etc/dladm directory, and
> particularly the /etc/dladm/datalink.conf file which defines your
> physical and virtual links. AFAIK the file is read-in only upon
> system boot, so it is a clumsy way of changing things, but when
> it is your only working option - that may be suitable ;)

that's amazingly valuable to know! That's going right in the wiki.
Thanks for that!


> Well, the manuals rightfully suggest against manual manipualations
> of the configuration files, but I was saved by that a few times
> while dladm (or any other component) was still in such active
> development that it did not always do what it is intended to do.
> In case of dladm, if proper command-line methods don't help, you
> can try to manipulate the config files in /etc/dladm directory, and
> particularly the /etc/dladm/datalink.conf file which defines your
> physical and virtual links. AFAIK the file is read-in only upon
> system boot, so it is a clumsy way of changing things, but when
> it is your only working option - that may be suitable ;)
> At least you can check there to see which settings your system
> has "remembered" for the future.
> HTH,
> //Jim Klimov
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