Hi Alex,

On 13/04/2012 13:57, Alex Lam S.L. wrote:
I see that the latest prestable comes with ISO, so I decided to give it a spin.

First time I did the install, it got stuck at 99% (Completing transfer
process) for an hour. I tried powering the PC off and then start
without Live DVD to see if the installation went okay, and
unfortunately it didn't.
There does seem to be an unusually long delay around the 99% mark but I never saw anything as long as you describe.

Second time, it produced the "Installation Failed" screen after going
through the installation. Attached "OpenIndiana installation log" as
given by that screen.
You seem to have missed attaching the attachment. Would be good to see the log if you have it - looks like it can be found in /var/sadm/system/logs/install_log


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