On 2/24/12 8:06 PM, Anil Jangity wrote:
> I tried to setup a etherstub and a vnic. I then tried to setup a bridge 
> between that and the physical interface, as follows:
> LINK        CLASS     MTU    STATE    BRIDGE     OVER
> igb0        phys      1500   up       zbridge    --
> igb1        phys      1500   up       --         --
> workswitch0 etherstub 1500   unknown  zbridge    --
> work0       vnic      1500   unknown  --         workswitch0
> zbridge0    bridge    1500   up       --         workswitch0 igb0

Perhaps a dumb question here, but why would you do that?  The whole
point of an etherstub object is that it's not connected to the outside
world.  And if you want a connection to the outside world, why not just
create the vnic on top of a real link?

That aside, I think you might get further using 'dladm create-simnet'
rather than an etherstub.  A simnet is a simulated Ethernet interface.

As for the "STATE unknown" bit, I believe that's because etherstubs
don't have physical links and thus don't have physical link status.
It's probably harmless.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>

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