Hans J. Albertsson wrote:
> Manual, simplest possible setup, no RIP...

Using "/etc/defaultrouter" or using "route -p add default" in order to
establish the original route?  Or perhaps some other mechanism?

If you used a simple "route add" at some point and then rebooted, that's
not permanent.

> It was just that I went back & forth between oi151a and oi151a2, and the
> route was there in 151a, and wasn't there in 151a2... BUT that can have
> multiple explanations, I suppose.
> I was wondering if there is any change specific to 151a2 that could or
> should have this partic consequence.
> No matter, route add default did the trick.
> Funny bit is that the default route was obviously there for a minute or
> two (things happened with mail that would require a default route), then
> disappeared. So I'd just like to understand.
> Still thanks for your patient interest.. :-)

If it was there and then went away, then something must have removed it.
 If you're able to reproduce the problem, then running "route monitor"
and directing the output to a file will be helpful.  It should identify
the process that is removing the route, which will then help focus the

What about logs?

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>

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