Hi Robbie,

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Robbie Crash <sardonic.smi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you want to use Fletcher, you need to use verify, as the likelihood of
> collisions is increased since Fletcher is not *random*. You don't really
> need to verify when using SHA256, and by default, SHA256 is used with
> dedup, not Fletcher. . More information about the checksumming and
> trade-offs can be found here:
> http://blogs.oracle.com/bonwick/entry/zfs_dedup

That blog post is slightly dated. While it does explain dedup, the
option of using "fletcher,verify" has been removed about two years

> What Gary said regarding the recompression is accurate if all you're
> storing is compressed images, like jpegs. If you're storing raw photo data,
> you may see significant savings by using compression.

I have enough storage space now, that I will make a 2nd filesystem
with "compression=on", copy the files over, and see if I save more
than about 5-10%. If not (I'm not sure how compressed Canon's raw
image files are), I won't bother.


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