I would love a sparc port. Right now I am putting openbsd on my
blade1000 because I hate to see it sit there and collect dust. I just
wish we had a driver for the xvr-1200 although truthfully vi doesn't
really need much 3d acceleration.
On 01/23/12 08:04 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
I've used Sparc since the 90's, in my undergrad university days, I
used to log in remotely to the University network, using a Sparc
Classic, I never suffered the consequences of MS Word documents
becoming corrupted, or the other PC reliability issues and had the
benefit of additional account privileges (unofficially) like untimed
internet access, only because the sysadmin used sparc and all the
important infrastructure at the Uni was sparc or Unix based.
I'm somewhat afraid of using Intel hardware, especially on the
internet, due to the bios and network hardware security issues that
OS's can't prevent.
OpenBoot is far more powerful than typical x86 bios.
It would be nice to have a Niagara dev box, for multi threading
How portable is Openindiana, from what I can tell it's intel only?
How easy is Openindiana to build, do you think there would be enough
interest in a sparc port?
Or perhaps an ARM64 port? Arm seems to have much greater economy of
scale and could displace x86 the same way x86 displaced the big Unix
vendors (well actually it was more like top brass knee jerk reactions,
like Alpha's untimely and premature death). Unlike Intel, anyone can
license arm (or sparc for that matter, but ARM has the numbers).
If Openindiana was to support ARM64 some time in future, now would be
the time to start, while hardware vendors are looking to enter new
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 08:22:40 -0500
From: Daniel Kjar <dk...@elmira.edu>
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Suitable Dev box to replace Ultra
Message-ID: <4f1d5f20.6010...@elmira.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
If you like old sun hardware you could pick up an ultra 40 or 20
used. I put a 3ghz dual core in my ultra 20 and 8 gbs of ram + 4
hard drives. The 40 has much better options. I also have a 4x2 core
(885s I believe) v40z with 32gb of ram I picked up for 500 dollars a
couple years ago. That is my openindiana sunray server. Follow the
instructions on the sunray users forum and it works great. No kiosks
though. Sadly I have had to retire my old blade1000 due to the same
kind of stuff you mention. I use the ultra 20 as a file server and
my desktop. 08:21am up 61 days 21:53
On 01/22/12 12:16 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
I've got a Grandfathers Axe, Ultra 80, 4 CPU, 4GB Ram, 4 x 2.5" SAS
Drives, 2 x 3.5" SCSI, 2x XVR-1000's and dual 24" LCD Monitors. I
had been waiting for Sun to release a new sparc workstation, but it
never happened.
Its a Java dev box, all round work computer (with sunray clients),
has a zone with a web server, online since 2005.
I recently noticed that JDK1.7 isn't supported on my release of
Solaris 10, I'm guessing it isn't on Openindiana either ;), but
better to have community support than nothing at all!
I also participate in the Apache River project, once I replace this
workstation, our software will no longer be tested on Solaris Sparc,
so support for that OS / Hardware combo will be dropped.
What's the best (Rock solid) CPU / Motherboard / ECC Ram / Hardware
to run Openindiana with? Can Openindiana server thin clients eg ltsp?
Where do you order Openindiania DVD's?
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Dr. Daniel Kjar
Assistant Professor of Biology
Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Elmira College
1 Park Place
Elmira, NY 14901
"...humans send their young men to war; ants send their old ladies"
-E. O. Wilson
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