
are you using gcc from SFE?

Best regards,


Hans J. Albertsson píše v čt 12. 01. 2012 v 19:37 +0100:
> I decided to start using VirtualBox again today, and put in version 4.1.8
> When starting it as an ordinary user, it comes up with an error panel, 
> Panel says "Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object",
> details say "
> Callee RC:
> NS_ERROR_ABORT (0x80004004)
> "
> Running /opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VirtualBox as root works, but has the 
> unacceptable effect of having to run it as root.
> What on earth is wrong? Any guesses?
> pkgadd took an inordinate time, but came thru with no errors.
> Last I know it worked was on b134 with VBox 4.0.8
> It's on a SuperMicro XB7Si with two disks and 8GB of ECC memory, in case 
> that's relevant.
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