On 1/7/12 10:43 PM, Mark wrote:
> This looks to be a major change to how ON/net is being built.
> http://blogs.oracle.com/ali/entry/much_ado_about_nothing_stub
> Will this be a show stopper when integrating any future source released
> by Oracle ?

It certainly would not be.  At least among former Sun folks, it's a long
anticipated, much discussed, and very good change.  It breaks up the
unneeded dependencies among the subdirectories in the build, so that
more things can be built in parallel.

If you fear it for some reason, you can simply ignore it: continue
building as you've always done (without stub libraries), using all the
same dependencies as you've done before, and it'll keep working.

The stubs are just a build artifact.  They're generated automatically
and aren't needed after the build is done.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>

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