On 12/25/2011 4:19 AM, Ram Chander wrote: > > # telnet 0 5667 > Trying > telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
I don't know anything about this nsca program, but I'd suggest using either "telnet localhost 5667" or "telnet 127.1 5667" rather than attempting to use "0" as an alias for the local system. It's a bit of an old Solaris bug that allows address 0 to work as a local address (even though it's not a valid address), and there's no guarantee that it will work on any modern Solaris system. A simple bug fix could easily break it. -- James Carlson 42.703N 71.076W <carls...@workingcode.com> _______________________________________________ OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list OpenIndiana-discuss@openindiana.org http://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss